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Week 14 Discussion Board_Worlds of Art

Week 14 Discussion Board_Worlds of Art

Q Identify at least two examples from the units of study since the midterm and discuss why they are important to you and how they relate to each other in your understanding. The following suggestions are simply provided to jump start your thought process. You are not required to answer each point.

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For the purpose of this discussion, I chose to discuss weaving in Native American and African cultures, with specific focus on weavings of hozho and hochxo on Navajo cloths and kente cloth from West Africa. For the Navajo people, it was important that there was a balance between hozho (beauty) and hochxo (ugliness) despite their opposing natures. Absence of this harmony and coexistence could mean misfortune and illness for the people, and so they would come together for rituals where they would weave harmonizing symbols or create sand art establishing the coexistence.